Life Compass
Happiness is a direction...not a place!
A FREE project aimed at supporting parents who are struggling to refocus their lives. At times we all need some support in managing our emotions, coping with our children, and rebuilding our careers
Currently taking place on Thursday mornings from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Are you struggling with emotional problems such as low self-esteem, anxiety, or depression?
Would you like to improve your ability to understand and support your children when they are being challenging?
Would you like one-to-one support to get back into education, volunteering, or employment?
Life Compass is a combination of six group sessions and one-to-one individual online support, delivered by EDAS Training Lead, Jane Keyworth.
To join the programme attendees need to be:
- Over 18
- Resident in Dorset
- Parents (not necessarily living with their children)
- Genuinely looking to get back into education, volunteering or employment.
- Disadvantaged in some way (e.g. addiction, mental health problems, criminal convictions)
If you would like more information, the full timetable, or to book a place, please contact